Retention is a critical challenge faced by mobile gaming studios globally, with average 28-day retention rates dropping as low as 4%, meaning that only a small fraction of players continue engaging with a game after the initial download. This poor retention impacts not only player engagement but also lifetime value (LTV), which is a core driver of profitability in the gaming industry. Gaming studios rely heavily on monetization strategies such as in-game purchases and advertisements. However, these mechanisms fail to address the root causes of player churn, as they often lack a tangible connection to player motivation and fail to create sustained engagement.
The problem is exacerbated by rising competition in the gaming market. With millions of apps vying for attention on app stores, players are presented with countless options, making it harder for studios to retain users beyond the first few weeks. Studies show that a 5% increase in retention can result in a 25-95% increase in profits, underscoring the importance of effective retention strategies for long-term success. Yet, most studios struggle to innovate in this area, leaving a gap for solutions that can directly improve retention while providing measurable outcomes.
PlaySuper addresses this gap with its white-labeled SaaS plugin, which powers in-game reward stores where players can exchange in-game coins for real-world brand rewards. This creates a tangible, gamified incentive that motivates players to continue engaging with the game while also introducing new revenue opportunities for studios through partnerships with brands. By integrating seamlessly into existing games, PlaySuper helps studios drive higher retention, longer play sessions, and improved player satisfaction, all of which directly impact profitability.
The founding team of PlaySuper is uniquely equipped to execute this vision. Upamanyu scaled CollegeShala to 300,000 users and successfully exited with a $1.1 million acquisition, later doubling the user base of another platform to 2.2 million while generating $1 million in revenue. Shouradeep, a co-founder of CollegeShala, has deep expertise in go-to-market strategies and has worked closely with VC-backed startups. Abhir, a founding member of IndiGG, helped scale the platform to a valuation of $150 million and has advised leading gaming studios. Together, they bring a mix of entrepreneurial success, scaling experience, and gaming domain knowledge, positioning PlaySuper for long-term success..
Market Opportunity:
The global gaming industry is expected to grow from $225 billion in 2022 to $340 billion by 2027, with mobile gaming accounting for over 60% of the revenue. Despite this rapid growth, retention remains a critical pain point for studios, with even successful games losing a significant share of their players within the first month. Studies show that a 5% increase in retention can lead to a 25-95% boost in profits, underscoring the immense value of tools that improve engagement and loyalty.
PlaySuper is strategically positioned to address this gap by focusing on mid- to large-sized mobile gaming studios. These studios, typically operating games with millions of players, face significant challenges in sustaining engagement over time. Additionally, the introduction of real-world rewards ties directly into the broader trend of gamification in brand marketing, allowing PlaySuper to expand its value proposition beyond gaming studios into brand partnerships. As companies increasingly look for innovative ways to connect with gamers, the intersection of gaming and brand rewards is expected to grow significantly, creating a multi-billion-dollar opportunity.
By solving the dual challenge of retention and monetization, PlaySuper taps into an expansive market of mobile gaming studios and the growing gamification ecosystem. With early traction and a differentiated approach, the company is well-positioned to capitalize on this evolving landscape.
100X.VC Thesis:
Upamanyu and Shouradeep are 2x Founders, with a successful exit behind them. They’re taking a truly novel approach to driving retention in game. 100X believes the hypothesis of real world rewards in game performance is the way the industry is growing. PlaySuper will help all games create their own Game Center and retain customers better.
PlaySuper has the potential to redefine retention strategies for mobile gaming studios by addressing one of the industry’s most significant challenges: keeping players engaged over time. By integrating real-world rewards into in-game economies, the platform not only boosts retention but also creates an innovative monetization model that bridges the gap between gaming and brand partnerships. This dual impact—enhanced player loyalty and diversified revenue streams—sets PlaySuper apart in a highly competitive market.
With a massive addressable market, retention-focused tools like PlaySuper are becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. Gaming studios can no longer rely solely on traditional methods like in-game purchases and advertisements to drive profitability. PlaySuper’s solution offers a scalable, white-labeled approach that empowers studios to achieve measurable improvements in both retention rates and lifetime value, addressing core pain points that have long hindered sustainable growth in the gaming industry.
The founding team’s proven track record in scaling and exiting successful ventures, coupled with their deep domain knowledge in gaming and SaaS, positions PlaySuper as a standout player in the ecosystem. With early traction, a differentiated product, and the ability to create significant value for its customers, PlaySuper is poised to become a leading platform in the gaming retention space. Its innovative approach ensures that gaming studios and brands alike can leverage the platform to drive lasting impact, making it a compelling opportunity for investors.